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Transforming Violent Non-Communication: Ghosting

Communication is one of the essential foundations of our relationships. However, many people go through experiences marked by violent non-communication (the phenomenon of "ghosting": heavy silences, people who disappear from your life without explanation. These acts, intentional or not, sometimes unconscious, can leave deep wounds. However, it is possible to understand and transform them because in fact we unconsciously attract them.

In this article, we will explore the origins of violent noncommunication, its impact on our lives, and the keys to establishing caring and constructive exchanges.

What is violent noncommunication and ghosting?

Violent noncommunication goes beyond simple silence or lack of response. It manifests itself through intentional behaviors such as ignoring, blocking, or avoiding communication. These actions can be conscious or unconscious, but they share a common point: they create frustration, incomprehension, and suffering for the person who experiences them.

The phenomenon of ghosting

Ghosting , amplified by social networks, is a striking example. A person suddenly ends a relationship by disappearing, without giving reasons or explanations. This behavior, although quite widespread today, often finds its roots in unconscious patterns linked to emotional wounds.

Where does violent non-communication come from?

Deep-rooted memories and karmic wounds

As a karma reader, I have observed that these behaviors often come from deep memories, sometimes karmic, but also from our education and our environment. These patterns can come from:

  • Conflicting Parental Relationships : Families where conflicts were managed through silence or anger, leaving children in limbo.

  • Cultural injunctions : In certain cultures or historical periods, speech was a privilege reserved for some, notably men, while women had to remain silent.

  • Past Lives : Memories of lives where individuals were silenced by authority figures.

The education model

The communication we are exposed to during childhood tends to become an unconscious model that influences our future interactions. For example, in homes where the arrival of "daddy" imposes immediate and generalized silence, a climate of violent non-communication can set in very early on. This pattern can then be repeated in other contexts, such as at work, when you enter a room and suddenly "everyone is silent". These situations reflect a relational dynamic imbued with tension and unspoken things, often inherited from these initial family models.

Why do we attract these relationship patterns?

Patterns of violent non-communication can seem repetitive in our lives. We attract partners, friends or colleagues who reproduce these behaviors. Why? Because we carry these memories within us. What we have experienced or internalized becomes a filter that influences the relationships we build.

The good news is that by identifying these patterns, it is possible to break free from them.

How to regain control and transform communication?

  • Becoming aware of one's own karmic memories

The first step to transforming these patterns is to recognize that they exist.

Ask yourself these questions: Do I tend to attract relationships marked by silence or avoidance?

Do I reproduce these behaviors with those close to me?

Realizing that these patterns are not inevitable is already a first step towards healing.

  • Deconstructing ingrained injunctions

Once the memories have been identified, it is possible to work on them. This involves karmic release sessions to explore and deactivate old wounds and to deconstruct unconscious automatisms.

  • Adopting compassionate communication

Kind communication begins with yourself. Transformation begins with how we communicate with ourselves. Stop self-criticism and learn to compliment yourself. Be kind and practice gratitude towards yourself.

  • Avoiding the Pitfalls of Non-Communication

Sometimes we contribute to these situations ourselves without being aware of it. It is essential to take actions that are aligned with our values:

  • Respond to messages, even to say “I can’t talk right now.”

  • Avoid ignoring conflicts, favor a calm and respectful discussion.

  • Free yourself from relationships that keep you in repetitive patterns.

The Benefits of Aligned Communication

When you work on your communication, the benefits are immense:

  • Peaceful relationships : you attract caring and open people.

  • Better self-esteem : you feel at peace with your relationship choices.

  • A more harmonious professional life : no more awkward silences or misunderstandings at work.

Communication as an act of healing

Moving from violent non-communication to compassionate communication is a challenging but deeply transformative journey. It is an invitation to cultivate compassion toward oneself and to build relationships based on respect and authenticity.

Remember: Communication is not just about verbal exchanges. It reflects our inner state and our ability to build bridges with others. By working on your unconscious patterns, you can transform your relationships and create an aligned life full of understanding and peace.

If you want to go further and explore your memories to free your relational patterns, I am here to support you. Together, let's reconnect to authentic and caring communication.


Violent non-communication ghosting


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