Hello everyone,
I would like to address a fundamental, powerful, universal theme: the pregnancy cycle and the denial that can accompany it , for both women and men. A sensitive, intimate, but oh so necessary subject. Because behind every birth—whether physical, symbolic, or spiritual—hides a profound process, often unknown, sometimes misunderstood, and which directly affects our bodily, emotional, and karmic memories .
The pregnancy cycle: a soul journey, whether or not it results in physical birth
Pregnancy is much more than a biological process. From the moment a pregnancy begins, a cycle begins . This cycle remains present, whatever the outcome : traditional birth, miscarriage, abortion, or even an early termination of the pregnancy. No matter the outcome, there has been a life commitment , a soul calling. And this irrevocably transforms the existence of those who experience it.
Even when a child is not born, even when it was only a potentiality, it has already changed the trajectory of your life . This passage has left an imprint. It has made your body vibrate, it has awakened your deep emotions, it has stirred your archaic and karmic memory. This anchors itself, whether we are aware of it or not.
My reading of karma: cycles inscribed deep within us
I share with you here my vision, the one that was transmitted to me through the reading of karma and the unconscious . For several years, I have accompanied souls, I illuminate buried memories, and I observe vibrational recurrences linked to what I call the karmic pregnancy cycle .
I am neither a psychologist nor a qualified psychoanalyst. But as a reader of karma , I observe how this dimension of pregnancy is universal and multidimensional . What we experience in our bodies of flesh is a reflection of what our souls have experienced over the course of incarnations .
Pregnancy Denial: A Much More Subtle Process Than We Think
We often think of pregnancy denial in its most visible form: women who give birth without ever being aware they were pregnant. But there are more subtle and diffuse forms of denial, experienced by the majority of us. In reality, we are only fully aware of this pregnancy at the moment life begins : at the moment of childbirth.
Before that, even if we have seen the ultrasound, felt the baby's movements, had a positive blood test, there is still a distance, a form of unconscious dissociation . Pregnancy is perceived as an abstraction, as a potentiality, until the baby arrives. And that is when the emotional shock can occur.
This shock is physiological, hormonal , of course, but it is also spiritual, energetic and karmic . It opens the door to ancient memories of birth and death , experienced in other incarnations. It brings up visceral fears that we do not always understand.
The experience of women: a profound initiation
As a mother of two, I, like many others, have felt this ambivalence : the magic of pregnancy and the astonishment of birth . Behind the wonder, there are also intense emotional shocks , which few dare to express. Some women I have accompanied have experienced inconsolable tears , depression , or even illness after giving birth, without being able to put into words what they felt.
And for good reason: these symptoms are often linked to memories of traumatic childbirths , in this life or in others. Memories of women who died in childbirth , of lost children , of loneliness or rejection . These are deep wounds that resurface, sometimes amplified by hormones , but whose origin is older, more subtle, more sacred .
Men also experience this cycle… in their own way
We too often forget that men also experience the cycle of pregnancy , even if they do not physically carry the child. Many of them are confronted with karmic memories of motherhood, childbirth, child loss... They may have been women in other lives, mothers themselves, having experienced perinatal bereavement or trauma related to parenthood.
In men, denial takes another form: an inability to feel, to integrate fatherhood into one's body and deepest being , until the actual arrival of the child. The moment of birth is often an electroshock , triggering a tsunami of responsibilities and awarenesses, which can be destabilizing.
I call this the "daddy blues." This phase is often denied or minimized in our societies. Some men are overwhelmed by this shock, to the point of running away, not out of disenchantment, but out of an inability to take on the emotional and energetic burden that it represents.
Pregnancy and projects: a mirror of our creative capacity
Pregnancy is an archetype of our capacity to create . What we experience in the gestation of a child, we also experience in the gestation of our life projects . Our ideas, our businesses, our works, follow the same cycle : conception, gestation, birth... or interruption.
If you feel like you have failed projects, creative impulses that don't come to fruition, it's possible that this reflects an unresolved karmic pregnancy cycle . The matrix of creation is located in the womb , in our center of creative power , whether we are male or female.
A path of awareness and healing
What I wish to convey today is, above all, an opening of consciousness and an invitation to compassion . We are often quick to judge: these fathers who flee, these failing mothers... But who really knows the deep wounds that each of us carries?
Behind these behaviors lie memories of pain, sometimes very heavy karmic burdens . Understanding this is already opening a door to tolerance, reconciliation and healing .
There is no inevitability. You can move forward , understand , heal . Whether you are a parent, child, partner, everyone can come back to themselves , soothe their memories , repair the lineage .
In conclusion…
I hope this article has given you a different perspective on the pregnancy cycle , and on denial , whether physical, emotional or karmic. Never forget: behind every experience lies an opportunity for growth , and behind every wound, a path to healing .
Angelique Chapuis
