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The judgment

Who are you to judge me?

Who are you to claim to know what is good or bad, right or wrong, without knowing the inner truth of my intentions, without perceiving the light hidden in my soul and the sincerity of my heart?

Who are you to dictate my path?

To tell me what I must do, what I must accomplish, as if my path could be traced by someone other than me?

Who are you to choose my challenges?

To show me which mountain to climb, which stream to cross, which direction to follow when only my innermost being knows the call of my horizon?

Who are you to tell me who I am?

You are nobody. No more than I am anybody in the eyes of the world. But deep down, I am everything .

Deep inside me, I am a surge of generosity, of kindness. I am the light of Love , the one that illuminates even the darkest corners. I am full and complete freedom, the essence of existence itself. I am life, this vibrant force that laughs, that connects, that dares and that survives.

In my heart, I am filled with a deep love, a universal love , the one created by the Universe. The Universe shapes Love as it shapes nature: the plants that heal, those that decorate, those that dazzle or those that scratch. And yet, who can judge their role? Who can say which is more important, which one deserves to be there more?

Who judges good or evil? Who determines the value of each element on this Earth? Each being, each thing has its place, its unique role, its reason for being. Each is a spark destined to rise, to shine, to exist fully.

Man lives to the rhythm of Love. He laughs at the sound of sincere words, he vibrates to the notes that touch his heart.

And you, you who pass judgment, what do you vibrate for?

Because beyond our differences, beyond appearances, we are all made of the same fabric: that of Love, that of light, that of life which seeks and finds itself, in an infinite dance with the Universe.


A semi-transparent human figure with a luminous heart in the center, radiating golden and pink light. The heart, crossed with fractured patterns in the process of repair, symbolizes love, healing and self-acceptance. The background, ethereal and cosmic, evokes introspection and inner transformation.


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