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Is karma inevitable?

The Karma of Fate: A Limiting Belief to Release

In my coaching, I often talk to you about "karma boxes" . These famous boxes are in reality spaces of consciousness filled with erroneous beliefs, inherited or integrated over the course of our lives, which prevent us from moving forward freely . They lock up our energy, limit our potential and feed a repetitive pattern of experiences that we believe are inevitable.

One of the biggest beliefs I encounter among my clients is the idea that karma is punitive . Perhaps this is true for you too?

You think you're afraid of karma... but in reality, you're afraid of something else: the fear of fate . This fear is deeply rooted in our human psyche and in our energetic DNA, like a collective memory inherited since the dawn of time .

The Fate Consciousness Plan

There is indeed a karmic plane of consciousness called the "karma of fatality" . It is fueled by all the limiting beliefs associated with the idea that there would be a higher force, a sentence, a punishment, a destiny already mapped out to which we would have no power to change anything. It is the belief that life is endured, that whatever you do, you cannot escape a predefined path, often tinged with injustice or pain.

But this karma of fate is a box , a mental and energetic prison , nothing more. As long as you believe in this, you vibrate at this frequency, you nourish this plane of consciousness... and you attract it.

A Simple Example: The Myth of the Number 13

Let's take a simple and telling example: the number 13. 13, in itself, is a plane of consciousness , just like karma. It carries neither intrinsic happiness nor unhappiness. And yet, some people perceive 13 as a symbol of luck, while others avoid it like the plague!

What happens on days when the 13th falls on a Friday? There are those who try their luck at the lottery (the jackpots explode on these dates, it's no coincidence!) and those who don't even dare leave their homes, convinced that something bad might happen.

The 13 has no power other than that which is given to it. Like karma! It is not karma that is punitive or fatal, but rather the belief you hold around it that creates its form and experience.

The Law of Attraction and the Emotional Engine

What fuels the law of attraction is not just your thoughts. It is primarily your emotions . A thought without emotion has no power of attraction. You can repeat to yourself a thousand times: "Today, everything is going to be fine" , if deep down you feel fear, anxiety or anger, these are the emotions that you vibrate and attract .

How many times have you woken up and thought, "I'm going to make some positive affirmations because this day is going to be tough." But deep down, you don't believe it . As a result, the day goes as you expected. You receive unpleasant remarks, problems arise at work, the children are annoying... And yet, perhaps that day there was a sincere smile from a colleague , a touching message from a loved one , a pleasant moment that you didn't even see pass , because you were locked in the vibration of fear .

The Karma of Fate: An Ancestral Fear Wound

The karma of fate is based on deep wounds and fears , inscribed in us for many incarnations. These are the wounds of the ego (and not of the soul!): those of abandonment, rejection, humiliation, injustice, betrayal… All these unhealed memories fuel the idea that life is a succession of trials , that suffering is inevitable , or that we are punished for past errors .

And in this pattern, the disaster scenarios are born: fear of death, fear of accidents, fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of the end of the world... It is these fears , reactivated in the matrix of the karma of fatality, which attract heavy, difficult, recurring events to you. Not karma itself.

Karma is not a Judge, it is a Teacher

Karma is neither a punishment nor a sentence . It is a space of knowledge, that is why I call it the "karma planet" . I often say it is the hard drive of your soul . It contains all your experiences, your learnings, your patterns to improve, your strengths to find. And sometimes, like any hard drive, it crashes ... because there are obsolete programs or emotional viruses!

Fortunately, it is possible to update your programs, uninstall limiting beliefs , repair wounds , and access more fluid, freer levels of consciousness .

Everything is transformable on the planet karma, everything is constructible, it's up to us to make room.

The Law of Return: Another Belief to Overcome

Karma is often confused with the law of return , the famous idea that everything you do will come back to you like a boomerang, for better or for worse. Again, this is only a partial vision , a limiting belief . Karma is not there to punish or reward, but to highlight what needs to be understood and transcended .

Why Does Fate Karma Stick Around?

Because it is nourished by old wounds , from your past lives, your family memories , but also from your soul experiences .

These are the patterns of karmic repetition that I identify in my readings:

  • Fear of losing

  • Fear of abandonment

  • Fear of failure

  • Fear of death

  • Fear of the end of the world

  • The fear of not deserving

  • The fear of loneliness

These fears create scenarios , like internal movies that you replay over and over again, without understanding why your life seems "stuck."

How to Get Out of the Karma of Fate?

  • By changing the plane of consciousness .

  • By repairing wounds buried in karmic memory.

  • By clearing the boxes or structures that hold your fears and limiting patterns.

  • By reconnecting your creative power , the one that allows you to no longer suffer but to act consciously .

  • By reconciling yourself with your history , with your soul, and by leaving behind the belief of a frozen life.

Karma: A Path to Awakening and Mastery

Karma is a path of knowledge . It is not a burden to carry, but an inner library to consult. It is an invitation to revisit your experiences , understand your programming , repair wounds , and reactivate your potential .

🌟 And after?

If this article resonates with you, I invite you to explore further. On my YouTube channel, I develop these topics: karmic boxes , the law of return , family karma , soul wounds , past lives ... I also offer personalized consultations , to support you in freeing yourself from these beliefs and regaining your sovereignty .

Karma is not a punishment , it is a path to evolution and freedom !


A realistic and symbolic illustration of a chained woman holding two heavy books titled "Fate" and "Punishment." She stands in a dark stone corridor, embodying the weight of karmic beliefs. At the end of the corridor, a golden light illuminates an open door, symbolizing hope, liberation, and spiritual awakening. This scene represents the inner struggle against the limitations imposed by the belief in punitive karma, and the possibility of breaking free from them to access a free and creative consciousness.


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