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From Payroll Manager to Healer, a 360 Degree Turn...

article dated 2019

I always wanted to work in and with people.

It was in this state of mind that I began studying management.

Subsequently, I gained experience in human resources: recruitment, training, generalist position, etc. However, my professional experiences were far from convincing regarding the place of humans in the company. That's when I chose to specialize in a more technical field: payroll.

Being a “high potential”, I fed my thirst for learning in this complex sector, which combines figures, law and customer management. I quickly climbed the ladder and assumed important responsibilities. However, despite these successes, I constantly felt like I was swimming against the current. I realized that my work went against my deep values, which led me straight to burnout in 2015.

This burnout, which lasted a year, made my world collapse. My existence seemed to collapse under my feet. Who am I? What am I destined for? Why is the earth round? These questions, which I had been asking myself since childhood without ever finding answers, dug a huge void inside me.

That's when I turned to spirituality. I discovered, or rather rediscovered, the world of the invisible, a universe that I had already encountered as a child without being aware of it. This journey led me to explore deep dimensions of being and to understand the impact of karma on my life and those of others. I learned to welcome and heal my fears while connecting to my gifts: hypersensitivity, deep empathy, clairvoyance, clairvoyance, intuition... This unique combination represents what is called the gift of healing.

This exploration allowed me to understand how karma can influence our relationships, our choices and our personal evolution. In my soul reading and healing practices, I learned to decipher karmic patterns, these imprints that condition our lives and that we have the power to transform.

At the same time, I continued to work. But this work, which fed me financially, did not feed my soul. In 2018, a second burnout hit me.

This time, life offered me an extraordinary encounter: a skills assessment. For three months, I was confronted with my limits, taken out of my comfort zone and overwhelmed by emotions. This process was intense, but also incredibly liberating. Life seemed so beautiful to me!

I finally dared to “confess,” to explain what I was doing and who I was. I found my answer three years ago, but that’s when I had the courage to share it. I broke family and social taboos, and I began to provide care to others.

Why this article?

I would like to thank all the people I have met on my path. Each of them, without exception, has taught me something and helped me grow and evolve. The exchanges I have had, the souls I have met and the stories I have heard have all allowed me to understand more about the workings of karma and the beauty of our spiritual journey.

And because it has been almost a year (at the time I wrote this article) since I fully reconnected with my identity, I want to encourage you, through my testimony, to find yourself too. No matter the obstacles or fears, your essence deserves to be discovered and revealed to the world. Take the time to explore your own karmic lessons and transform your lives in harmony with your deep truth.

Thank you for reading me, and have a great discovery!



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