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False Beliefs About Karma

What is Karma?

Karma is a vast universe that means "past" and encompasses structures of all kinds: individual, collective, conscious or unconscious, family or societal. It is an immense universal database, a reservoir of all our choices and all our experiences accumulated since the beginning of time.

I often compare karma to a planet. Imagine that, just like a planet, it contains a multitude of archives of past and present lives. Each individual has his or her own database, which interacts with the collective, the unconscious and History with a capital H.

Why do we reproduce our Karma?

When we are too impacted by our karma, we end up reproducing it unconsciously, because it is the only thing our mind knows and retains. We relive the same patterns until we become aware of these cycles and decide to transform them.

To stop embodying one's karma, it is essential to go and release what is cluttering us in this immense database, as one would clean a hard drive. This is where karmic liberation comes in, allowing us to break these repetitions and open the way to the creation of a new reality.

Karma and Dharma: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Karma symbolizes the past, with its wounds, traumas and fears. Once freed from these burdens, we can enter dharma. Dharma is the state in which we stop reproducing the past and begin to create our life in harmony with our deep essence, guided by our intuition and instincts.

In karma we repeat the past. In dharma we become the active creators of our reality.

Is Karma Punitive?

Contrary to some popular beliefs, karma is not a judge. It neither punishes nor rewards. The only form of judgment that exists is the one we inflict on ourselves.

The idea that we should "pay" for our past actions in this life is a misinterpretation. What we call "karmic debts" are not divine sanctions, but areas where we have failed to love ourselves, spaces where we have locked ourselves into patterns of sacrifice and obligation.

Understanding Karmic Debt

Karmic debt does not mean we have to atone for past wrongs. Rather, it is emotional and energetic baggage we carry, resulting from unresolved wounds and experiences.

These debts manifest themselves in the form of repetitive patterns, persistent blockages or limiting situations that lock us into dynamics of sacrifice and unconscious obligations. Karmic debt includes everything related to renunciation, constraints suffered and commitments made under the influence of limiting beliefs or unresolved past experiences.

They are often linked to commitments made in past lives or deeply rooted beliefs that limit our evolution. Freeing oneself from a karmic debt means becoming aware of the patterns that hinder us, understanding them and transcending them to move forward more freely towards our true life path.

The Notion of Fatality and Karma

Another misconception about karma is that it is a fatality, an immutable destiny from which we cannot escape. However, nothing is set in stone.

Karma is not a pre-ordained path that we must follow without question. We always have the ability to change our trajectory by becoming aware of the patterns that influence us and by making different choices. Karma is a potential for growth, not a condemnation.

Every day, every moment, we have the power to transform our reality by changing our perception and adjusting our actions. Inner free will remains a fundamental element of our existence, and it is up to us to decide what we do with the experiences we go through.

Karma and Temporality

Another common belief is that there is an "integration time" for karmic release, like the famous 21 days needed to change a habit. In reality, karma has no temporality: the past, present and future exist simultaneously.

Time is just a human structure. Our body follows natural rhythms, cycles, like the seasons and the movements of the moon and the sun. Thus, the integration of a treatment or a karmic release depends only on the rhythm specific to each individual.

Karmic Liberation: A New Path

Can we heal from karma? The answer is no, because karma is not an illness. On the other hand, we can decide to stop living and reproducing the past. Freeing ourselves from karma is simply stopping repeating structures that escape us and taking back our creative power.

The liberation of karma opens a field of possibilities where we can, in consciousness, build our life rather than undergo it. It is a passage from survival to creation.


Karma is neither a judge nor a prison, but a space of infinite exploration. It is a vast planet where everyone has their own inner journey to accomplish.

To free oneself from karma is to undertake a real inner world tour, to set out to discover oneself and all the possibilities open to us.

It is an exciting path, an adventure where we can finally reclaim our destiny.

If you found this article interesting, feel free to explore my other content on the subject and visit my website.

Angélique Chapuis, Karma Reader

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A surreal cosmic scene depicting the transition from karma to dharma. A scale symbolizes the balance between dark energy and golden light. A mystical gate divides a world of karmic shackles and an open space bathed in spiritual light. A spiritual path winds through this universe, representing the evolution of souls towards awakening and karmic liberation.


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