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Discovering Karmic Twins

Hello everyone !

I wish to speak to you about karmic twins. I will approach this subject through my own perception, my truth, and the way I perceive it through memories and planes of consciousness.

An unconscious connection

When I connect to memories, I always start from you. We are vibrations, emotions, an unconscious. Thanks to the law of attraction and the law of resonance, our environment is shaped around us like magnets. We go towards the things and events that correspond to us, and conversely, they come to us. This mechanism guides our choices, our actions and our encounters, often unconsciously.

The Karmic Twin Principle

For me, the karmic twin represents an unconscious search for people who resonate with our own unconscious or with what we already know. From childhood, we learn to love our parents, our brothers and sisters, our loved ones. This learning of love, which I call conditioned love, is acquired as we learn to speak or use cutlery. Later, we unconsciously look for people who resemble us internally or who evoke our family figures.

The mirror of our unconscious

Our encounters are not the result of chance: it is our unconscious minds that meet first. Imagine yourself in front of a mirror: you see your reflection, your conscious side, but you cannot see your back, representing your unconscious. For that, you would need another mirror or someone to show you this hidden part. The karmic twin plays this role: it reveals to us parts of ourselves that we do not consciously perceive.

Even in the absence of certain family figures, our soul seeks reference points through karma, this "box of the past" that preserves our experiences, including those of our previous lives. Thus, we attract souls that resonate with what we are unconsciously looking for.

A mirror relationship

Meeting a karmic twin is often visceral, intense and emotional. These relationships are usually complex, because they awaken deeply buried wounds and doubts. In a mirror, they confront us with aspects of ourselves or our family past that we had not consciously perceived.

This dynamic is based on a false association of love, based on what we learned in childhood. Thus, we meet people who reflect a familiar image to us, even if we do not immediately realize it. This unconscious recognition can create an illusion of love.

A path of evolution

Relationships with a karmic twin are often stages of inner work and evolution. Sometimes, the two souls walk together, healing their mutual wounds and evolving together. Other times, once the work is done, they separate, each continuing on their own path. This departure can be painful, but it marks the end of a cycle of healing.

It is essential to understand that the karmic twin is not meant to stay in our lives forever. It is a temporary mirror, a hologram reflecting our unconscious wounds and needs. When this healing process is complete, the relationship loses its purpose, revealing that it was not love in the traditional sense.

My support

In my work, I help to heal these unconscious relationships that can be deeply upsetting. The encounter with a karmic twin is often felt physically: tension in the stomach, stress, anxiety... So many signs that show that it is not love, but a healing process.

It sometimes takes time to become aware of this reality, because the initial attraction creates a powerful illusion. However, it is by overcoming this illusion that we gain access to better self-knowledge and personal growth.

And after?

This first glimpse into karmic relationships will soon allow me to talk to you about the Twin Flame journey, another fascinating subject that I would be delighted to discuss with you.

See you soon!


Two people standing face to face under a starry sky, connected by a golden halo symbolizing their karmic bond, illustrating spiritual connection, inner quest and personal transformation.


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